First and foremost, thank you for contacting the ZAP Commission - the environmental variances were approved and now Tilke can grade the land to construct the course.  More info from our friends at The Statesman, here.

A huge Thank You to Paul B.  for showing his support of Formula 1 United States by sporting his COME AND RACE IT © t-shirt!


Here is our next move: Austin City Council Members will meet on Thursday, November 18. You can send the following variation of the template message below.


Dear Mayor and Council members,

As a strong advocate for bringing Formula 1 racing to Austin, Texas, I urge you to approve items #2 and #3 on the agenda for November 18 related to a service extension request and development reimbursement for water and wastewater improvements for the region that includes the United States Grand Prix site. City staff and the Water and Wastewater Commission have recommended these items. And these items are consistent with past requests made throughout Austin’s ETJ. Additionally, the Environmental Board and Zoning and Platting Commission have recommended variances related to this project.

The Formula 1 project will serve as a catalyst for improvements in the City of Austin’s Desired Development Zone and SH 130 corridor that have long been needed.

Supporting these items will bring this project a step further to becoming a reality. I am eager for the arrival of Formula 1 in Austin, Texas, and urge you to support these matters.


Supporter of the Formula 1 United States Grand PrixTM in Austin, Texas


ALSO, if you're in the Central Texas area, please consider attending the City Council meeting tomorrow, Thursday, November 18, at 10:00 AM.  The meeting is located at Austin City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street.  If you are able to stay for the meeting, please plan to arrive by 9:45 am in order to sign up in favor of Items #3 and #4.  You may also sign up to speak in favor of these items at this time.  Depending on the amount of time spent on other agenda items, Items #3 and #4 are expected to be up before noon.

Garage parking is free at City Hall on Council meeting days.  If you are unable to stay for the meeting, you may sign up in favor of these items at City Hall anytime between now and 10 am on Thursday.

As always, thank you for your support!

