Loyal Formula 1 fans and Austin Grand Prix readers, we need your support for the Formula 1 United States Grand PrixTM in the next meeting with the City of Austin!  On Tuesday, November 16th, there will be a meeting for the Zoning and Platting Commission to discuss proposed changes necessary for the event.  

We need anyone and everyone to do two things to help this happen:

1. Email the Zoning and Platting Commission members at



gbourgeois@jonescarter.com **Email address updated 11/16/10






Below is a draft email that you may use. Feel free to edit as you see fit.


Dear Zoning and Platting Commissioners: 

 As a strong advocate for bringing Formula 1 racing to Austin, Texas, I urge you to approve item #4 on the agenda for November 16, the cut and fill variance along with the slope variance for the United States Grand Prix site. City staff and the Environmental Board have recommended these two variances for the project.  And the variance requests are consistent with past requests made throughout Austin.  In addition, this project will serve as a catalyst in the City of Austin’s Desired Development Zone that has long been needed.

 Supporting these variances will bring this project a step further to becoming a reality. I am eager for the arrival of Formula 1 in Austin, Texas, and urge you to support these matters.


 Supporter of the Formula 1 United States Grand PrixTM in Austin, Texas


2. Attending the ZAP Commission meeting Tuesday, November 16 at 6:00pm.  The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street.   Please plan to arrive by 5:45 in order to sign up in favor of item #4. You may also sign up to speak in favor at this time. Garage parking tickets can be validated inside City Hall.


Politics is fun, right?  We are hoping for a big turnout and lots of supporters willing to talk about the future facilities and the positive impact felt by having this event in Austin.  Don't forget, wear your Come And Race ItTM shirt to the meeting as well and show your support to everyone!



