// Introducing Benedict Wong, Guest Contributor

Guest Contributor, Benedict WongThe Chinese GP preview is the first guest post from Benedict Wong, an F1 fan I befriended a couple years back. Benedict got hooked on F1 from 2008's Monaco race and still watches it because "there's no other sport that provides more thrilling entertainment than an F1 race!"

// Ready to Race

Finally, the three-week wait is over. The Chinese Grand Prix is upon us. I’m not sure about you, but weekends without races always feel a little empty to me. That emptiness may or may not have to do with my race weekend habits – gobbling down homemade Nutella pancakes with chocolate croissant while I glue myself to the qualifying and the race. 

Shanghai International Circuit map and Start/Finish Line.The last race in Malaysia was made ever more exciting with rain that I hope for some rain in Shanghai this weekend. I can never quite get over how the drivers can drive so fast with practically zero visibility in rain, except the blurry blinky light from the car in front. My natural instinct would be to pull over … and that’s why I’ll never be an F1 driver. 

The season has been much more entertaining to watch compared to last season - no clear front runner, half the cars are competing on the tiniest margin on lap time, massive egos from six world champions. Personally, I’m hoping to see any or all of these this weekend:

  • Maldonado actually finish a race

  • Perez to kick some more a$$

  • Webber making to the podium

  • Crazy track antics from Schumacher

  • Rain!

What are you hoping to see in the Chinese Grand Prix? 

// Visual Preview

What does the Chinese GP look like? Check out our Pinterest board.

