TGIM!  (That's right; not TGIF but TGIM!)

Earlier today I read this tweet from The Austin-American Statesman's F1 Twitter Account:

"Promoter to hold a press conference tomorrow, says he'll announce the site of an Austin #F1 circuit. #USGP"

Whoohoo!  It's about time!  We've been anxiously awaiting this announcement since May 25, 2010.  There is so much speculation on the location of the future United States Grand Prix Formula 1 track for 2012-2021.  We probably won't be able to sleep tonight!

We stopped by Austin's City Hall just a few minutes ago and got some helpful (although unfortunate) information from the office: 

Yes, Tavo and Full Throttle Productions, LP will make the official announcement with the Mayor's office tomorrow, Tuesday, July 27, but the meeting is private and closed to the general public.

We are grateful for the confirmation, but still feel like this:

Stay tuned with us on our Facebook Page and by following us on Twitter for the latest announcements!  Any last minute guesses on where the track will be located?


