Breaking news reported from multiple sources last night:

-The land for the track HAS been purchased!

-The track HAS been designed, by Veteran circuit designer Hermann Tilke!

-Initial permission for permits HAVE been granted!

-The 700+ acre location is "within miles" from Austin Bergstrom International Airport!

Motor-racing veteran journalist Adam Cooper posted this late last night:  

Tilke designing Austin Track, site already purchased


 ESPN Racing also published last night:

Promoter reveals designer, few details


And this morning, stated:

Tilke to design new Austin circuit

So, Mr. Tavo Hellmund and Full Throttle Productions, LP have been doing their homework.  We are not surprised!  You can't go to the rodeo without your cowboy hat, spurs and rope.  We will continue to update you as this story develops. Congrats to the Tilke Team and we look forward to learning more.

